How to Become Draughtsman to a Designer

Nowadays every design skilled person wants to grow in his/ her professional career, so most the person wants to know how to become draughtsman to a designer?
First of all, we need to understand what kind of hard and soft skills are required to become a designer.
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Qualifications of Draughtsman

  • Educational Qualification – ITI/ Diploma
  • Technical Skill – AutoCAD 2D

Required to Become a Designer

Hard Skills

  • Educational Qualification – Diploma/ B.E/

Educational qualification is a very important factor to become a designer so a draughtsman should upgrade themselves.

  • Technical Skill – AutoCAD 2D + CAD 3D + SolidWorks/ CAD+CATIA/ Creo/ Nx/ Revit/ 3Ds Max/ Staad.Pro

Every draughtsman has AutoCAD 2D skill but this is not enough to become a designer, they should also need to learn at least one 3D design software like SolidWorks/ CATIA/ CreO or Nx so that they can use their creativity as much as they can.

This is also an important factor to become a designer because a person having some industrial experience then they called a draughtsman so obviously they must have experience at least 6 months or more then they will be able to apply for designer jobs.

Soft Skills

Communication Skills – Communication skill is a very important factor to become a designer because a design engineer always needs to convey his thought and their ideas to higher management authority and senior people and as well as client also. But communication is not only in terms of English but also the way of conveying your thoughts.
So every draughtsman needs to required this soft skill to express their technical ability and his thought also.
Way of Thinking – A draughtsman is always doing according to given instruction then don’t need to use their own thought process, but a designer always depend on his own thought process they have to do his work according to his own technical ability and imagination, So a draughtsman needs to do his work according to own natural skills then they will become a designer.
Imagination Power – It is also the most important factor to become a designer. A designer should work on his own imagination, if a designer gets a design task then he should have such a kind of ability to imagine all design structures of the task and so that he can draw easily.

Bonus Tips

  • Focus on learning and target on core skills
  • Try to apply in core design industries,
  • Avoid those companies who are now related to 3D design,
  • Once you will get a job then try to work for at least one year for professional experiences.


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