Doing Engineering (BTech) is the right or wrong decision

इंजीनियरिंग करने का फैसला सही था या गलत?

Doing Engineering (BTech) is The Right or Wrong Decision: These days the huge number of engineers are unemployed in our country and as per analysis every year 10 lakh engineer our education system has been produced and all of them has unemployed.
 So after completed engineering, people are getting unemployed and this kind of thought comes to their mind that “doing BTech is the right or wrong decision.”
But we need to re-think, why people think what is the exact reason for such kind of thought after completing their engineering so as per analysis from an unlimited group of people that there are Four major reasons which caused the factor of wrong decision of doing engineering,
  • Unemployment,
  • Money,
  • Interest,
  • Position,

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Unemployment is the major factor so that every engineer after graduate they think that the decision of engineering was wrong for his career because they are not getting a job after their engineering degree and the most facing problem for every fresher also who is graduate from the private institute of India.
But after analysis of the education level of engineering from the private institute, it is not so adequate as compared to the reputed institutes or government institutes, these private institutes are not maintained their engineering education level up to the mark so that the knowledge of engineers is not quite satisfactory for industry level.
Show the companies are not getting candidates as per their job requirement so maximum fresher engineer are getting unemployed these days and they think the decision of doing engineering was not right.But the solution for unemployment is also there because a fresher or experienced candidate is thinking that they not getting a job it does not mean there is no job in the market but the reality is that there are lots of job in the market but most of the jobs are hidden.
After survey report prove that 80% of the job are hidden in the market only 20% of the job is visible so we need to to change our search method so that engineer can find their dream job as per their skill,


This is a major problem for every engineer because engineering education is most of the expensive education in India so it consumes lots of financial savings of parents who have invested their capital for their education of children’s but after completing engineering they are not getting such kind of salary for or even they are not earning money after the engineering so they thought this degree is not adequate for monetary benefit also.
Earning money is not only from the job but also from business as well so if an engineer can do a business from their skill as per their engineering knowledge so they can achieve at least some life goals.But the solution for money is not only from job or business and engineer can earn money e in many ways they can start coaching services tutions or online marketing, freelancing job, work from home jobs and many ways.


After completing the 10 + 2 course most of the students thought engineering is the best option for their career but after joining this degree or after completing this degree they think that this course is not suitable for their interest so their morale would be down and they think this decision which day has taken was wrong for their career.
But at this time if a person thinks that this profession is not related to their interest so they should shift to their interest and they should start a career as per their interest profession.


This is also very important parameters 10 change the mind of every engineer just suppose if a person gets a job and they are also earning money but their position and job value are not so adequate as per their satisfaction which means they are not getting the reputation as per their skill so they thought that this decision is not right for his career.
But for this problem, the engineer should need to change or need to improve their skill so that they can switch their job or change their position by applying for two different jobs so that they can get the reputation and they can get the job values in his career,


So after analysis, it is clear that every problem has a solution if engineer thinks that the engineering decision is wrong so their thought is wrong because the decision is not always wrong the approach is wrong it means how the people will deal with their decision if they are not able to deal with their decisions it means this decision is not so adequate for or their attitude.
One of the perfect quote given by Ratan Tata-
“I don’t believe in taking the right decisions. I take decisions and then make them right”
So don’t think that you took the wrong decision just make your decision right and work on your way of approach and then you will see your decision is always right and this thought will always applicable for every decision of your career not only in engineering but also on every e decision of your life.

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